The Virginia Student Film Festival aims to establish a prestigious annual event celebrating the
creativity, talent, and dedication of student filmmakers across the nation. Taking place on April 6th,
2025, at the historic Paramount Theater in Charlottesville, the festival will provide a platform to
showcase over 20 short films, each under 15 minutes, during two screening blocks. Beyond the
screenings, the event will immerse attendees in a day-long celebration of the arts, featuring a
panel of student directors sharing their experiences and a reception similar to a red-carpet Oscars
event. The evening will culminate in an award ceremony with live music, performances by UVA
artistic organizations, and the presentation of 6 awards with cash prizes, including $1,000 for Best
Picture. By offering a unique and immersive experience, the festival seeks to highlight the impact of
student films, inspire the next generation of creators, and foster a vibrant, collaborative artistic
community at UVA and beyond.